Monday, June 13, 2011

POTHS Conspiracy Facts

*POTHS Conspiracy Facts part 50*
English | avi | xvid | 654x352 | 24fps | 16:9 | 999kbps | Mp3 102kbps
44100hz | 1.92gb
_Genre: Documentary_ I didn't make this, below is the info that came
with this, yea its out there but give it a shot, there's a lot of
strange things here:POTHS --- Picking Out The Hellish Scumbags ---
POTHS --- Pointing Out The Hovering Sausers --- POTHS --- Pouring Out
True Helping Scriptures --- POTHS --- Pouring Out The Holy Spirit ---
POTHS --- Pointing Out The Hopeless Socialists --- POTHS --- Pour Out
The Holy Spirit --- Upload POTHS Everywhere --- POTHS --- Pointing Out
The Hellish Scumbags --- POTHS --- Partaking Of The Holy Scriptures
--- POTHS --- Prosecute Only The Highest Scoundrels --- POTHS ---
Pouring Out The Holy Spirit --- POTHS --- Prosecute Obama The House 
Senate --- POTHS --- Plant Only The Heritage Seeds --- POTHS --- Plant
Our Treasured Heritage Seeds --- POTHS --- Plant Our Treasured Hemp
Seeds --- POTHS --- Passing Over The Harmful Sins --- POTHS ---
Prevailing Over The Hypucritical Scoundrels --- POTHS --- Prosecute
Our Treasonous Homeland Security --- POTHS --- Prevailing Over The
Hypucritical Scoundrels -

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