Wednesday, January 4, 2012

'Titanic' Movie Artifacts: 9 Fake Items We Want

In case you don't know, 2012 is the Year of the Titanic! You think that James Cameron's 3D-ified rerelease is just an arbitrary money-making scheme? Think again, Titanic novices! This year marks the 100th year anniversary of the sinking of the ship of dreams. To honor the most luxurious sinking of all time, the converted 'Titanic' will be sailing into theaters April 6 (the actual sinking occurred on April 15) -- and for the truly obsessed (and decidedly not superstitious) there will be a Titanic memorial cruise, which follows the itinerary of the tragic voyage. (Really, this exists.) For landlocked Titanic fanatics, there's a little something for you, too. Thousands of artifacts salvaged from the sunken ship will go on sale in a winner-take-all auction -- James Cameron, that's your cue! The objects for sale include 5,500 pieces of fine china, still-fragrant perfume bottles, ship fittings and other pieces of the luxury liner, all for $189 million, a sum that would even make Cal Hockley weak in the knees. So, it got us thinking: what would we want -- with imaginary funds -- from an imaginary Titanic auction? Below are nine 'Titanic' movie artifacts we'd never let go of. 1. Jack's Drawing. (This actually sold for $16,000 back in April, 2010.) 2. Rose's sexy robe before he draws her. 3. That car that they did it in. 4. The string quartet that continued to play through everyone's panic. (Sniff, sniff.) 5. Every famous impressionistic painting -- many of which were not created by 1912 -- that just happened to be in Rose's cabin. 6. Kathy Bates. 7. Mr. Ismay's mustache. 8. Jack's naked french girl drawings and that one of 'Madame Bijoux.' 9. That very large door that Rose hogged after the sinking. (Come on, they could have shared!) The auction is scheduled for April 1 at Guernsey's, the NY auction house. [Photo: Everett Collection] Follow Moviefone on Twitter Like Moviefone on Facebook

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